Oldies But Goodies – 48 hours only!
Hi everyone! For 48 hours only, you can grab my ‘What If You Fly Bundle‘ at 50% off in my shop at Sweet Shoppe! That is 50% off the already discounted bundle price… an incredible deal, that you simply cannot miss. But hurry, this deal ends in 48 hours!
‘What If You Fly’ is an art journaling collection that is all about conquering fears. A new job, a new love, following a dream… So many of us are afraid to go for it. Because we don’t know what to expect, because we are afraid of what could happen, because we are afraid to fall… This fear is keeping us caged, like birds who are afraid to fly. But everything we want is on the other side of fear. And amazing things will happen if we do step out of our comfort zones and take that leap of faith. Whatever the outcome may be, remind yourself that you were at least brave enough to take the risk to fly.
Creative Team Member Alina made this gorgeous page with What If You Fly and Whimsical Templates Vol05:
There’s more layout inspiration in the album on my Facebook page. Or watch the video that Jana made about this collection.
Have a great day!
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